August 13, 2024

Stages of Group Development

The stages of group development in organizational behavior and management comprise the theory of team development. In other words, it’s a group-forming model that consists of 5 distinct phases. According to these stages of group development model, each group or team is likely to go through the following interconnected 5 phases during their joint work,including:

  1. The Forming Stage — characterized by team orientation,
  2. The Storming Stage — characterized by a power struggle,
  3. The Norming Stage — characterized by cooperation, integration,     and unity,
  4. The Performing Stage — characterized by overall     synergy, and
  5. The Adjourning Stage — characterized by a sense     of closure.

Now, these 5 stages are vital to help you anticipate your team effectiveness. Simply put, that’s your ability to be efficient and productive with your work, both as individuals and as a group.The diagram shows that the effectiveness of a team or group fluctuates over time. In other words, the energy levels reach their ultimate low in the Storming Stage because the struggle to find the leader and build some structure creates frustration and mood fluctuations. That’s why this stage is often called The Power Struggle Stage. In turn, the level of effectiveness reaches its peak in the Performing Stage, when team members use well-oiled workflows and communicate feedback effectively to make the project smooth sailing. This stage is sometimes dubbed The Synergy Stage. In the forming stage, the group is formed formally, and then all of them go through the matches and mismatches of individual interests, which lead to Storming. After the second stage of Storming, a Leader Emerges, who makes rules for the group and comes under Norming stage. Then the group leads towards performance stage with the norms made by Leader. And finally, if the group was a Task group, then only it undergoes the process of Adjourning.Nowadays, most of the organizations, including SDDIMS are working on the model of Group Development by the effective Leaders.