Pills are referred as birth control pills, abortion pills, sleeping pills or tablet in pharmaceutical oral dosage form (oral solid dosage or OSD) or solid unit dosage form. Pills have always been difficult to swallow and efforts have been made to make them go down easier. In Mediaeval times people coated pills with plant substances to change the taste. Another approach, used as recently as the 19th century gold and silver are used with the pills although they would pass through the digestive tract with no effect. In the 1800s, sugar coating and gelatin coating were invented as were gelatin capsules. A pill was originally defined as a small, round, solid pharmaceutical oral dosage form of medication. The word etymology reflects the historical concepts of grinding the ingredients with a mortar and pestle and rolling the resultant paste or dough into lumps to be dried. Today the word pill still refers specifically to tablets rather than capsules (which were invented much later) It is such type of oral dosage forms the broad sense of the word pill is also widely used and includes both tablets and capsules any solid oral form of medication.
Potion are traditionally understood as a liquid substance believed to have magical properties. Documented in folklore, mythology, and fantasy literature. They are thought to cure ailments, enhance abilities or even control the emotions. The term "potion" originates from the Latin word potio, meaning "a drink" or "a draught.
Modern Pharmaceutical Potions- A potion can refer to any liquid medication or therapeutic drink meant to treat a condition. It include -